Middle School and High School Parent/Teacher Conferences will be Monday, January 31 and Thursday, February 3. This conferences will once again be conducted via phone. If you would like to schedule a conference, please fill out the Google Form attached below. https://forms.gle/Ari7Qny7TMrvcbKw8
about 3 years ago, Lora Burch
X-Grain Store Closes Tonight! https://stores.inksoft.com/WS63306/shop/home
about 3 years ago, Lora Burch
Monday’s 5th & 6th Grade Basketball Games will be played at 4:30 & 5:00. They will play together.
about 3 years ago, Lora Burch
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Lookeba-Sickles girls will not be able to play tonight. There will not be a High School girls game. We will still host the High School boys game tonight and play at 6:30. The Mini-Cheerleaders will perform at half-time. PK - 1st Grade will meet in the Home Girls Locker Room after the 1st Quarter. 2nd - 5th Grade will meet in the Visitors Girls Locker Room after the 1st Quarter.
about 3 years ago, Lora Burch
Hydro-Eakly v Lookeba-Sickles
about 3 years ago, Lora Burch
about 3 years ago, Lora Burch
Mini Cheer Clinic is Wednesday and Thursday after school until five. Mini Cheerleaders will perform at Friday’s game v Lookeba-Sickles. Additional information about the performance on Friday will be sent home this week.
about 3 years ago, Lora Burch
Monday: Individual Picture Retakes, Organization Photos, and Sports Pictures Students must bring uniforms and necessary dress for group photos.
over 3 years ago, Lora Burch
Due to the possibility of impending weather, the JH Basketball Scrimmage v Hammon has been cancelled. The HS Basketball Scrimmage has been moved to 3:30.
over 3 years ago, Lora Burch
Our 5th & 6th Grade Basketball Teams will be playing in the Lookeba-Sickles Tournament this week. Their first game is Monday. The bus will leave at 2:00. Players need to bring their jerseys to school. They will also need $10 for food/drinks. The girls will play Darlington at 2:50, and the boys will play at 3:45 in Sickles.
over 3 years ago, Lora Burch
We expect the items purchased through the elementary school fundraiser to be delivered after Fall Break.
over 3 years ago, Jeremy Bussey
It’s BASKETBALL time! Our 6th graders will open our season tonight at 5:00 v Calumet in the Event Center.
over 3 years ago, Lora Burch
1st-3rd Grade Program tonight at 6:30 PM in the Event Center. Students should be there by 6:15 PM and wear regular school clothes.
over 3 years ago, Jeremy Bussey
Middle School & High School Parents: Parent/Teacher Conferences will be conducted via phone call this year. If you would like to request a conference, please fill out the form below. https://forms.gle/kiBUozErmdKkCu6YA
over 3 years ago, Lora Burch
Hydro-Eakly Elementary School's fundraiser starts today, and we need your help. Our goal is to raise $25,000.00 for essential programs not currently funded through traditional means. It's as simple as 1, 2, 3! Register TONIGHT at www.ShopFund.com Share custom support links with family & friends via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Email, Text and more. Student Goal: 5 Online Supporters. REGISTER-SHARE-WIN: Sharing gets you tickets for chances to win over $100,000 in instant prizes. Fundraiser Links: Why We Fundraise - (https://vimeo.com/showcase/8770815) How To Videos - (https://vimeo.com/showcase/8752340) Kick-Off Videos - (https://vimeo.com/showcase/8754586) Parent Letter - (https://bit.ly/2WqAjzq ) Prize Program - (https://bit.ly/2DeTza2 ) On behalf of myself and the staff at Hydro-Eakly Elementary School, thank you for doing your part to make our fundraiser a success.
over 3 years ago, Lora Burch
Monday is School Picture Day! Life Touch will be taking Senior Panels, Individuals, and Fall Sports.
over 3 years ago, Lora Burch
Get your H-E shirts!!! Perfect for any activity! $15.00 Order forms are available in the High School Office and will be sent home tomorrow with Elementary students.
over 3 years ago, Lora Burch
All Softball Games scheduled for today have been cancelled due to the weather.
over 3 years ago, Lora Burch
MS & HS students can now order from a Quick Item Menu for lunch utilizing the link below. They may pick from a personal pizza, cheeseburger, or entree salad with dinner roll. https://lunchroomzoom.com/schools/hydro-eakly-public-schools/
over 3 years ago, Lora Burch